She rarely left her bedroom.
She requested her papers be burned.
And yet, Emily Dickinson is widely considered one of the English-speaking world’s greatest poets.
BETC’s production of the one-woman show The Belle of Amherst invites you into the mystery of the reclusive woman who wrote those poems you read in high school. She is a woman of magnitude, humor, and feeling– a woman who defied conventional society’s mores in order to find freedom through her pen.
Award-winning Playwright Luce writes in his 1976 Author’s Notes for The Belle of Amherst:
“The essential Emily of my play is secretly saying to the audience:
‘Pardon my insanity,
Pardon my jubilation to Nature, my terror of midnight,
my childlike wonder at love, my white renunciation.
Nothing more do I ask than to share with you the ecstasy and sacrament of my life.’